Hi all

I am a software developer by day, but follow my dreams of being an amateur filmmaker by night :)

I enjoy making short films, and am interested in the various parts of filmmaking such as cinematography and shot selection. I also enjoy the editing process (edting, foley, adding score). I've recently become interested in the importance of capturing good sound, and trying out different mics.

This seems like a friendly and helpful resource, so I'm glad to have found it!

Welcome! I'm interested in cinematography as well. Knowing about editing is a big help in selecting shots. The only thing I know about sound is that it's super important and many overlook it :)
Welcome Grasshopper!
I'm one of the audio guys here.
Always remember:

Your project will only look as good as it sounds, because
"Sound is half of the experience"


"Old man, how is it that you hear these things?"
"Young man, how is it that you do not?"