Hey Everyone

Hey everyone!

I am a 16 year old student in Michigan, and I am working on Film on the side mostly as a hobby currently while studying and gearing up for college.

I've always loved Film, Movies and theatre and this seems like a great place to talk with some other enthusiasts and FilmMakers!

See you around!
-Cameron Baker
Welcome to IT. ( Indie Talk )

The first rule of IT, is you do not talk about IT
The second rule of IT, is you do NOT talk about IT
The third rule...you know the third rule, you do, stop pretending, you're not kidding anyone here..
Sounds good! Going to study filmmaking at college, or keeping it as a hobby? :cool:


I'm not really sure yet. Right now my choices are

1) Go to a university and go into their something theater/performance/film-making related and see where I can go from there after university as either an actor or a director


2) Go to a university into veterinary sciences and keep film-making as a second job/hobby.

I am having trouble balancing out the pros and cons of each and figuring out what I want to do, but any advice pertaining to this would be greatly appreciated through a PM or in a different thread.

1) Go to a university and go into their something theater/performance/film-making related and see where I can go from there after university as either an actor or a director

You'll need a much better game plan for the long term to pursue those methods. I can pretty much assure you that almost no place in Michigan can ensure that you'll get a job in your field after studying film. Not saying it's a bad thing to study, but you need to develop a plan for it. Offer to work pro bono on some local lo/no budget film projects as a PA. Audition for local lo/no budget films. Make contacts. Use this to try to leverage the way to paid work. Understand, though, that film work in Michigan is...at best difficult to find. You might need to consider finding a more prime market.

2) Go to a university into veterinary sciences and keep film-making as a second job/hobby.

Feasible. I suppose it's your call in the end. The way I look at it is you have two choices:
  1. Make film (irrelevant of whether you do it as a hobby or profession)
  2. Don't make film.
The choice is pretty clear. If you're looking to do it as a profession, or get distributed, or whatever, a different line of questions open up. In the meantime, go find some people and make some film.

And because someone will inevitably say it anyway: don't neglect your audio.

Welcome to Indietalk.