Hey Everyone.. Gather round..I got an Idea!!

Hey Everyone...

I was thinking it would be fun if we all made a film together. If we can get at least 4 or 5 of us as a whole or group we could assemble a film.

I want to pitch an idea.

911. How you felt, and how it affects your life today. What would be a better idea is we play as actors some characters both in the building and outside.

If anyone lives in NYC It would be awesome if you could get some high resolution shots from the ground looking up where the WTC used to be. I can model the WTC pretty well. I have done it before. I can make a pretty decent plane crash and fire as the real thing.. maybe not anywhere realistic but i can sort of blur it like its a closeup shot with a blurred crash in the distance.


I would also like to be in controll of editing this project. I have a demo of the new vegas 5 and would love to try out the new chroma feature. I have played with it and its 10 times more effective then the 4.

You just need to maybe apply an entire wall in your room or apartment with some pressboard or fiberboard or foamboard and paint it a flat middle green color. then try and light it as even as possible. Then if possible try and photo or video tape an office space. We can maybe set certain jobs to each indiviual.

Like if someone lives in NYC they can be in charge of taking lots of photos. with no people or moving objects so I can

just an idea. if you want to join in please input and tell me weather you want to do an outside scene or an inside the tower scene.

it can be like a soap where none of the characters interact but more of 4 short stories as it unfolds.

then if we make say five 5 minute strories, we can all then videotape ourselves in front of a nice background (curtain, on a couch with candles.. etc) and tell another 5 minute story of where we were and how we felt.

hell if it comes out good.. maybe we can enter it at the nearest film festival were we live (for me Berkeley or San Francisco) and see if it wins an award.

I hope you all dont think this is a twisted idea. I was going to just do a short of me but I wanted to make it fun and a group thing.. were we dont have too all hook up at one location but rather just out of our own house. If you want to make a 30 second short of yourself in front of a makeshift blue or green screen i can make an experimental shot to show you what it will look like.


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Keying yourself in front of that image is highly insensitive. This is actually the second time you've posted it, you used it in your green screen demo. I suggest you remove it.
I removed it prior to reading this, oddly enough. Sorry if you were offended by something that was not meant to be offensive. Someone PMed me about it.