Hey / Copyright Issues

Hey Everybody! :-)

My Name is Aaron Im 15 and from England.

I seriously have got a big interest for film making and recently bought a Panasonic HDC-SD9 Full HD camcorder. I have done a bit of research and found out this camera is broadcast quality, or worthy shall i say (3CCD). Im happy with the results of picture quality and i plan to make some short films about 5-8 minutes long. I am sick of iMovie and the limits it has so i am ordering Final Cut Express 4 tomorrow :-) can't wait to have a mess around with some effects!

Right lets get to what i wanted to ask :)

Before i start shooting anything i wanted to know about copyright issues or shall i say getting permission... if im in a public place what will i need to get permission for? i understand about appearances forms ect but lets say i have the McDonalds logo in the footage...i am guessing i could get in a bit of a mess, the same with copyrighted music in the background or footage.

i have been told if i was to film the youtube website on my computer i would not need permission from youtube to show there site and logo on the footage ONLY permission from the owner of the video being played on youtube while filming.

i wanted to know if anyone could give me any information about getting rights and / or tell me what i can film without permission or if i have to get permission wont require me spending alot of money... already i have spent £500+ on camera and Final Cut Express. I will properly spend a maximum of another £200 on getting the shorts together (green screen ect.)...so low budget really.

Thanks very much for your time,
You will need location releases for your locations and yes, permission to use brand names, if they are prominent in the scene. If you are shooting where you can see the golden arches in the distance you are usually fine, but it's a different story if you are in the parking lot.