Hey all!

Well, my membership ran out a month or two ago, and sadly I couldn't scrape together the cash to re-up.. but I have now, and I'm back! :D

Gearing up for the 48hr Film Project in early June. Thus far we've got the makings of the best cast/crew team I've worked with to date, so it's exciting times. :)

Anyway, just thought I'd say hi.
Welcome Back and Good Luck Will. I signed up for the 48 HFP too here in SF, but I'm on the waiting list. We'll see if I get in or not. If not then I think there's one coming up in San Jose in August. This is my 1st time, and I heard it's pretty exciting.
It is indeed exciting, and tiring. Stock up on energy drinks and sleep whilst you can.

It's definitely an experience worth having, at least once. :)
The screening went quite well. Laughs in all the right places. We had turned in late, so weren't eligible for awards other than audience favorite...which could happen based on the 2 rounds of applause we got. One for the movie (didn't feel like pity claps) and another for the credits (Props to our boy JD for those). There were some really good movies there though, so who knows?
If we DO win the audience award, which I think qualifies one for addition to the DVD, it would be great to have a version with a better audio mix included on said DVD.. But somehow I doubt that's an option.
The screening went quite well. Laughs in all the right places. We had turned in late, so weren't eligible for awards other than audience favorite...which could happen based on the 2 rounds of applause we got. One for the movie (didn't feel like pity claps) and another for the credits (Props to our boy JD for those). There were some really good movies there though, so who knows?

So when do we get to see it? :)