At 1:27 there is no cut, but Im guessing you mean the cut that starts that shot, around 1:17. Yeah thats rough. Specificaly I dont know what fottage you have to work with thats NOT on the screen.. so here are some general ideas.

Cut on the action.

For your video that sorta means his hands and the way he waves them around. Around 1:16 the guy puts his hands on his head, if in the next shot you had him take the hands OFF his head, then you could cut on the action..

Cut on the look.
For this video its the which way is the singer facing when you cut. If you can match up the looks say he looks screen right in the outgoing cut he could face screen left in the incoming cut and it will flow.

Another technique is to use cutaways, but you have not shown any in your vid, so I guess you did not shoot any..
One problem is the audio also clicks on those cuts, which accentuates the jar.

Cutaways are your friend, and you don't even need the same talent, just match the attire..

How do you do that ghosting motion effect?