help with script breakdowns?

I know what a script breakdown is (a list of everything needed for the movie), but when are they usually done (at what stage in the production process), and who usually does them?

On a standard project that is fully funded the director does not participate
in the script breakdown at all. The breakdown you are talking about is for
budgeting; everything is broken down and priced to get a line item budget.
The director is not part of that process.

Are you asking for general knowledge or are you asking for specifics about
what YOU need to be doing for YOUR project?

Zero budget projects are different than ULB projects which are different
then low budget projects which are different than medium budget projects
which are different than studio projects.

So, let me get this straight, the line producer and first AD do the breakdown of sets, characters, props, and costumes, and the director decides how he wants all the sets, characters, props, and costumes to look?