computers Help with PC build for Video editing and design

Anybody want to help me with ideas as I build a PC for video editing? Newbie, Purchased Adobe suite (current cloud version), so will be using Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop etc.

Trying to build a PC that will allow for moderately quick editing/rendering in 4k, real time color grading etc. Would be cool if it was capable of performing other tasks at the same time.

What I'm trying to figure out is which parts in my build lists are overkill (i.e. more than I need, or a place where I could save money) and which if any are too low in performance?

Here are some builds I put together on PCpartspicker;

Here's my top of budget build -

Here's my mid budget builds

here's my low budget build

I tried to focus on better CPU's and less on the GPU since, as I understand it, Premiere relies more on the CPU, as opposed to Davinci which relies on the GPU more. Will be filming and editing interviews with community members, business owners, stakeholders etc, will film property walk throughs (residential, commercial, land) mountain biking vids, camping trips, etc etc. Most filming will be done with GoPro and DSLR cameras, but some will be via phones despite the variable frame rate.

Thoughts and opinions appreciated.
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I only looked at the top build.

Personally, for Premiere Pro, I go with Intel due to the higher clock speeds and less issues. I'd go with a 10700k. They're fairly cheap and good for the task.

The hard drive. Go for a 7200 (or a 10000) RPM hard drive.

I'd wait for the 3060ti (due out soon), or go for a 3070 if you can stretch the budget due to 4k. You don't really need it, but you're probably going to kick yourself in the near future if you don't go for one of the new series. Stock is a bit of an issue currently.

Get an M2 or SSD for boot/cache drive. Just trust me on that one.

64gig ram might be a bit of overkill. I'd try 32gig first. It's easy enough to put another 32gig in later if you find you need it.

The D15 is frigging huge. Make sure the case fits it. They're amazing and worth it. So quiet, even under load. I don't use anything else (Maybe I'd go a D12) since getting one. Don't move your computer often with it (like take from home to office and back). From what I understand, the strain from the weight can crack some motherboards.
Thanks for the feedback. Even the intel 10900k is less than the Ryzen 3950x. I'll look at those. Intel better suited for Premiere? Did not realize that.

Historically, it has been, in both terms of speed and reliability. I don't really edit anymore, so I haven't kept up with the new tech (both in the computer and in the PP engine) in the last year. There were suggestions that Adobe was moving away from favoring the first four cores to all cores, but I don't know if that's come closer to happening. If it does happen, then AMD may become the better option in the terms of speed/power.

Realibility side, I'm out of the loop these days. Most issues (not all) you heard about was to do with hardware issues. 90% seemed to happen to those running Non-Intel cpu and/or Non-NVidia GPU. For a long time, Adobe favoured Intel & Nvidia.