Help with film and procrastination?

Does anyone else have a problem with procrastination when it comes to film making?

I have so much time on my hands and I know results could come faster if I just put the hours in but I have a hard time doing it.

Do you ever go through this?

I'd say scriptwriting and coming up with ideas is very overwhelming and it easily leads to procrastination for me. It's what I'm focusing on right now, trying to find an idea for a short film I'd actually like to write and come up ideas for.
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So, why don't you lock yourself up for a few hours to only think about that short?

You need time, time, space, courage and humor to be creative.
It can be scary to sit down, but don't give up.
GA is right.
Step by step.
Keep the end goal in mind, but set smaller goals that you can reach in between. That is actually empowering: feeling great because you reach the next step :)
At the very least I think about my scripts every single day.
Outlining is one of the longest phases for me… but once that's done there is no excuse not to write and flesh out that outline into a real script.

But during the actual outlining phase.. well, you can't rush art :)
At the very least I think about my scripts every single day.
Outlining is one of the longest phases for me… but once that's done there is no excuse not to write and flesh out that outline into a real script.

But during the actual outlining phase.. well, you can't rush art :)

That part is nicely explained by Mike White:
it helped me a lot to adopt the "no zeroes" rule: never let a day go by where you do nothing toward your goal. even if it's just a sentence, do it. it will keep you engaged and motivated. besides, if you can't get your script off the ground how are you going to get your film to work?
Yeah I guess outlining would be the most difficult part. It's hard to not be a perfectionist at this stage. I know you can't settle for the first ideas that come to mind for scenes, plots, etc. So I guess thats what creates so much procrastination, but I also know since im beginning I have to embrace imperfection and keep going even if it's bad but thats really hard to do.
the first few things you make are going to suck, no matter how much of a perfectionist you think you are. you don't have the experience to make your film perfect yet, so just make it and learn from your mistakes.