editing Help with DVD Studio Pro 4

I've just finished a short movie in FCP in 4:3 aspect ratio and have made a DVD SP 4 project for it/ It burned fine and I watched the DVD on my computer to make sure it worked and everything was fine. When I put it in my TV, however, the left and right edges are cut off by an inch or two. I have played other DVD's on the same TV and there is no problem, but the picture of THIS DVD doesn't fit the screen. Any ideas?
Sounds like either your DVD player or the tv is recognising that your flick is 4:3, and is showing it properly, when it usually plays 16:9

If you didn't have those border bars showing up, your player or tv would just attempt to play at 16:9 - and your image would be stretched out to the left & right, making your actors look fat & dumpy.

So yah, sounds like you have a smart player or tv. :)
Well I did change the zoom on the TV to make it not cut anything off. There were even the empty black spaces on the sides of the picture like on the computer, but it was still cut off. I, therefore assume that it must be something internal. Is there a way to change the zoom or something in DVD SP?