help w/ feedback on these shotgun mics

Avoid anything Azden.

The Rode NTG-2 has a relatively low output level; I've been reading about lots of level problems with NTG-2/H4n combo.

Audio Technica makes nice budget gear; the AT897 has an okay rep, I haven't heard much about the new BP series of Audio Technica mics.
And phantom power...

Can you not save up another 700 for a better mic?

The H4n supplies phantom power, although the batteries need to be replaced every hour or so. So let's see, a 20-pack of AA batteries costs $12. Two (2) per hour for a 10 hour shoot is $12 per day, times 10 days of shooting equals $120 for batteries.

As always, I recommend renting or, the best option, hiring someone who has the gear and knows what they are doing.
The point is that most folks don't think that far ahead; "Hey, I only spent $300 on a digital recorder!" You'll still need 20 batteries and the charger (a 10 AA bay charger is $50 x 2 = $100 ) - and also remember to charge them all every night.

Granted, all digital recorders eat batteries when supplying phantom power, but not at quite the ferocious rate as the H4n.

Another drawback of the H4n (as opposed to the original H4) is that you need 50db pads if you want to use it for line in sources such as a mixer.

I've also been hearing about the wiring of the XLR connectors inducing rice crispies (snap, crackle, pop) after moderate usage and needing repairs.