Help plzzz

well for every movie we need a theme and the fact is that i can't settle on one, actually this is my first time so i've got no clue....
The instruction given to me was to make a film comprising of 5 shots, with a charecter limit of 2.
well, my problem is that i can't think of any situation with just 2 characters, n just 5 shots i think is too limited to convey any message or visualize any situation.
the problems are the location- we've to finish inside our college campus
lack of actors- n mostly just 5 shots.....

Could some one help me out plzzzz....
1) Shot of Bob nervously waiting at the student café for Lisa

2) Shot of Lisa, arrives and says " I just found out I'm pregnant"

3) Shot of Bob saying "I've been meaning to tell you; we need some time apart"

4) Shot of Lisa's angry, hurt face "You animal! You just used me!"

5) Shot of Bob walking off into a sea of college students

There ya' go. Took me all of three minutes. All yours. I can't be buggered formatting it.

It's not going to win any Oscars, but I think it covers your requirements. :)

And you should have no trouble finding actor-wannabees at a college. They may be terrible, but you'll find 'em easy.

Good luck. :cool: