help needed setting up a film night.

Hello, im planning on starting an short/indie film night at my friends bar and im just trying to work out how possible it is to do this.

Bassically what i want to do is once a month have the film night and show maybe 3 shorts depending on length but my problem is finding these indie shorts movies.

is there an indie film forum on the net? Ive not had a propper look through this site yet so maybe theres one on here.

If theres anyone that can give me some advice and point me in the right direction with this idea that i have that would be great.

any help would be greatfull. thanks.
Best thing to do is to to network with the film community in your city.

Do you have a film group that helps out independent film makers, that rents equipment and such?

Do you have local theatres that show local work?

Go to acting studios / classes and talk to the actors about what they are doing - because its very likely a lot of them, if they are doing anything, its independent.

If i can think of anything else, i'll reply.

Hope this helps
In addition:

Get some writings clearly stated that the filmmakers need to help promote the film night, and that the films have no copyrighted material in it, that all are the filmmaker's ownership (I've participated at film nights here in town where some video had music from signed bands that later the club got into trouble)...

And if you don't tell the filmmakers to help promote it, they will assume that the bar will promote it for them.

try to pick films that are short and not dragging, most of the times, when you are at a bar, you will be drinking, so if the film is a drama genre, you might have harder time to get the audience to watch it...

Just my opinion
Very valid opinion too

- Too add onto that as well, Since independent films of very low budget nature dont tend to attract alot of people - atleast where i live - pre selling tickets might not be a bad idea? That is what we are doing for our low budget feature premiere in July.
Do posts in Various sections of Craigslist. like gigs=>creative, gigs=>crew, jobs=>tv/film/video, communities=>events,general, and activities

Also in Services=>creative

You'll find a bunch of folks makin stuff through that method
Treat the filmmakers like they're bands. $5 cover at the door. Part of the cover charge goes to the filmmakers.

You bet the filmmakers will be out there handing out fliers.
Very valid opinion too

- Too add onto that as well, Since independent films of very low budget nature dont tend to attract alot of people - atleast where i live - pre selling tickets might not be a bad idea? That is what we are doing for our low budget feature premiere in July.

That's a great idea too, and actually I DO wish film festivals would announce their listing way before 1 month so it gives filmmaker enough time to go and get publicity materials (postcards, fliers) readied and get them to all over the place.

Since you are doing it at a friend's bar, probably there won't be ticket sale, but you can provite is 'first drink free' perspective :) to crowd up the place. ;)
Thanks to everyone for your ideas, theyre a great help and please keep them coming.

a bit of background on the bar: every thursday theres a very succesfull band night that my friend puts on. and this night pulls people in no matter what the band due to the fact its just a nice place to socialise with a few bands through out the eveing.

so basically what my vision is, is to do the same thing but with films. but im going to give it alot more publicity than the band nights. i want it to attract a wide range of people from in and outside the town and hopefully open up a whole new world of cinema to people who other wise knew nothing of independent shorts. Also hopefully encourage people who never even dreamt of making films to try it out.

Please keep posting ideas if you have any.
For advertising the actual event...nothing beats a good old fashioned B&W flyer, and a VERY VERY VERY SHORT pitch when you hand it to someone(like 5-10 words). I use to do my flyer printing. I do a 4-way flyer and use a paper cutter to split it into 4's. at their minimum of $75 that gives ya 12,000 total flyers. with a paper cutter, a car that's cheap on gas, a friend or two, and some time you can spend as little as $300 and get the word out to ALOT of people.

Oh here's a link to the paper cutter I own....about the cheapest price I could find :