Help me with a camera please?

Well me and a friend of mine have been making films since the 7th grade, i'm now a freshman at my highschool, amd we have some alright-ish videos but we've finally caught on to our mistakes and made much better ones since then. We would now like to purchase a new camera for our videos within the price range of about $1000-$1500 maybe a little bit higher but not too much. I would like to know what would be the best camera for our videos within that price range. Oh and if you could keep in mind I work with a mac with final cut express 4.0 so a camera that is mac-friendly would be very nice :) I've been thinking maybe a Canon GL2 but I would like to know if theres anything better out there than that or if there is anything out there that is cheaper that has about the same standards as that camera.

Thank you.
