Help me think of a good famous women to put onto cardboard in a film

I'm thinking this is the right section.

Anyway, without giving much about the plot away, a character has relations with a cardboard women. Like a cutout or FatHead if you get my drift.

I'm trying to think of a famous celebrity or such i could use and that would actually be available to buy somewhere.
I thought Pamela Anderson, but that is cliche as hell and she's used up.

Come on. I know you guys can give me some great ideas.
Are you willing to pay for the rights to use her image?

You can face lots of court time with studios and reps of famous actresses without permission.

You can get away with public domain characters and famous people long dead.
Modern: I didn't think about studios and shit. I might have to try for someone olddd. Like Amelia Earhart.

Rayw: Thank youuu. Didn't think to try ebay.

He was thinking of Pamela Anderson. I'm sure the studio that owns Bay Watch has rights and trademarks a lawyer would have to look into. Plus, she may not like her image used in an independent film without her permission. She is making royalties with comic books using her name and image.
Yeah they could order a cease and desist however they would only be able to tie you up in court, which would suck! Once a person becomes a "public figure" then fair use goes into play.

To the OP, I would just use a cardboard cutout then place a fake girls' face over the body or an actress you get permission from. :) I dunno, haha. Or put a paper bag... haha well nvm. my bad.
Even if the living famous person and their attorneys didn't sue you there's always the possibility that the photographer or the manufacturer of the cut-out could sue you for using their product without permission.