I feel that i'm going to have to do everything and hire everyone. I dont know why. I just feel that im going to have to do EVERYThING. hire EVERYONE. Someone has told me before that you just hire the department heads and then they hire someone else who hires someone else and bla bla. But if ive never done directing work, and then i dont hire someone who hasnt done assistant directing or DoP'ing because i want some other people to break into the business, maybe they wont be so good at what they're doing... i really dnt knw what im saying anymore... LOOK: can someone tell me or gimme something to read that would just kinda make me feel that i dont have to schedule everything, make sure everyone shows up, make sure the people go where they are supposed to go, and make sure they do what they supposed to do and not just do bullsh*t. Of course i have to do some stuff like tell some people what to do but i mean like if a bunch of guys are just sitting around and they're supposed to be setting up lights or something like that, i cant keep going around doing stuff that my DP is supposed to be doing rite? or actors dont go straight to makeup? who tells them to go to make up?
i know this is all messed up and unclear, but i need to read a book or something that says alot of things abot the people and production about movies and not just what the hell a two-shot is.
i know this is all messed up and unclear, but i need to read a book or something that says alot of things abot the people and production about movies and not just what the hell a two-shot is.