archived-videos help me get a G5 commercial

Zensteve said:
Wouldn't it be simpler, though, to sell the G4 and put that towards the G5?

One problem, your idea is missing an explosion.

Good luck Vinny! I hope all you get that new G5, and prove that lush of a friend wrong.

I actually like the idea... I also think that you could really make the money, BUT you're not telling people how they can help you... ebay auction? PayPal donations?

I guess I could have paid more attention... It was right there, in fromt of me face the entire time... and that's the best place to hide somehting... right in the open
Acutally I think it would help a lot to CG the website in there a couple times. Do a waynes world thing with it. If you have media cleaner you should be able to embed an end action that punches up the webpage also. Anything to take people to the donation area quickly.
lol im inclined to donate, but how big of an explosion are we talking about here?

either way... amusing and funny, good luck with it.