Help me find this stuff please

I'm in need of some help to find some articles, reviews of films or anything that can show Hitchcock's influence on
Takashi Miike
Shinya Tsukamoto
David Lynch's "Mulholland Drive"

I mean, I can see how elements of Hitchcock's films are seen in films by those directors (Tarantino - Pulp Fiction - Briefcase = McGuffin) (Cronenberg - Heavy use of psychosexuality) (Miike - 'Audition' uses lots of Hitchcock style suspense and psychosexual elements) but I need some articles and things to back it up for the essay I'm writing on it for school (since the school insist it's also a 'research paper' I need to find that kind of thing to support my argument)
No, I will not do your school work for you. :tongue: You might try searching peer reviewed journals for cinema??? Sorry just saw you're in the UK. Not peer/royal, peer/academic. ;) But I don't know if such a thing exists??
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