Help for new kid?

So i know very little bout filmmaking but so far its what I want to do. Im considering the university of colorado for their film making program but im from CT and thats real far does anyone know any film making programs in the northeast or at least the east coast that would eb good for someone just getting started. also whats good equipment to start off with like the basics?

Im an also "new" however I have picked up a few things and working on getting into film schol next year (three years of accounting was to much for me)

1. work on screenplays. get a good program that will help you write it. Work on writing. make sure you can write down what you want to convay.
2. as for equipment, it all depends on your buget. I shoot with a JVC everio HD-3 I picked up off ebay for about half of MSRP. At the time its what i could afford. Figure out what you can afford and do some searching on the net. there are lots of places with great reviews. Read through them and find a camera you can afford and will do what you want.

other then that, have fun. If your not having fun your doing something wrrong ;)
Try this site for film schools... making schools|1542143973

From Conn you have New York schools that have some great film schools.

But, there is a great deal of debate on film schools...some say save the money and MAKE a film rather than "learn" to make a film. I believe both sides are correct, and it all depends upon where you are in life.

As for the writing, you don't need to write to make a film, you just need to know good writing from bad writing (you need to choose a good script).

As for the camera, it all depends upon your budget. If you really want to, you can make a film with a cell phone, it just has to be written for that.

Good luck. There really isn't one way to do things. My advice is make up your mind, and just do it!
