Help!-A different animation question

Hi, I feel a bit stupid asking this but I'm hoping some-one can help out. I'm a composer by trade (any-one need sum FREE film music, just contact me!) but I dabble in directing as well. I'm currently collaborating with a cartoonist to produce either a feature film or a connected series of shorts. The script is written and we have sketches for each scene and everything, but now we need to animate it. I have no idea how to go about this. Jess (the cartoonist) doesn't want to have to draw out every frame by hand, (but she will if it's the only way) so I was wondering if there was anything on the market (not a high budget tho im afraid!) to import 2-D stills onto a PC and animate them from there. If not, what software and hardware (i.e. Camera) do u reccomend for piecing together each frame. I'm software-less as all the editing I have done so far has been using a Video Camera and VCR.
Can anyone help?