hello world

this is the obligatory "hello world"-thread :)

my name is clemens, I live in vienna, austria.
i started making short stop motion animated films at the age of 14, through which
I also learnt some basics of how to use movie editing software, etc.

currently, I am preparing for the qualifying examination of the Vienna Film Academy, where
Michael Haneke (might know him, his movie "The White Ribbon" was nominated for an oscar in the category "best foreign film") is one of the teachers for the directing class.

that's pretty much all I can think of right now; I close with a short list of some of my favourite directors.

Jim Jarmusch
Amos Poe
Andrei Tarkovsky
Michael Haneke ;)
Béla Tarr
Jean-Luc Godard
Fritz Lang

yeah, even though I enjoyed ghost dog, I prefer his earlier work, of which Down By Law is my favourite, I believe.