Hello there!

Hi everyone,

My name is Tony, I live in Chicago, I'm 21 and a videographer/editor.
I have been making 'movies' since I was about 10 years old and have always said that film/video is my true passion ever since then.
Though, after attempting film school at Columbia College Chicago, and being very disappointed (and just too poor to pay for it) I kind of lost a lot of my motivation and creativity. When I first decided not to go to school, I was really fired up and excited to make my own stuff and just do things how I'd like to do them, get out in the real world and learn by experience, meet people at local events, etc... After finding a lot of freelance work for corporate offices in Chicago and doing more professional web video work, I started to REALLY question my love for filmmaking. Obviously, web videos for a company and filmmaking are two very different things, but I have grown up with the idea in my head that all I want to do is film things and make a living off that. And as all of you know, I'm sure, I can't just make a living making movies on my own.

I don't mean to go off on some type of self-pitying sob story or anything, I'm really here just for some guidance and motivation, and to be apart of a community that hopefully understand me. I have been running low on steam as far as creativity, I will sit and think of ideas for shorts I'd love to film, but can never get myself to actually right a proper treatment or script. I seem to pigeonhole myself into only thinking of stories that I would be able to film with myself as a crew and maybe one other actor, I like to be practical and not shoot so big. But perhaps, I should break from that trend.

Either way, I'm happy I found this site and I hope to talk with a lot of you and learn from you all and watch some amazing work.

Looking forward to being more apart of this great community!
If you don't have a project of your own to jump into, find the local filmmaker community in your area and make your learning-mistakes on other peoples' movies! :cool:

That kind of experience will only make your own film better, when it's time to finally do it. :)


Hello new dude :cool:
