Hello, my fellow filmmakers!

I'm Nate, Wedding cinematographer, ballroom dancer, and president of my college's film club. I am currently looking for short film ideas for my club to bring to screen, I have worked together with several members of the club to bring 3 mini productions together this past semester (which is no where near as much as I would have liked to make, but it's better than nothing).

So I figured a forum such as this may have some screenwriters that may be looking for people like us to bring their screenplays to life. I would also love to learn from others and share some of my knowledge as well, and obviously, this is just the place to be!

I am actually not a film major, I'm actually an education major, but would love to teach film, and make independent films on my own time as I do now, but on a bigger scale in the future. My youtube page is here.

Please feel free to introduce yourself, inform me of any script ideas, or whatever, I'm pumped to get involved with this site!
Yep, you came to the right place. Many aspiring something-or-others and professionals lurking here. I am an aspiring screenwriter myself, so you've found at least one potential writer so far. :) My foray into actually producing something is starting with a short film I wrote recently (within the last year). I am as yet unproduced, so I will be looking for "will write for credit" opportunities as I hone my skills. By day, I'm an Applications Engineer specializing in computer graphics and video hardware.

That sounds great to me, VPTurner, you've now got mail! I am looking for script ideas as well as some aid in a project I am currently in preproduction for, a bit more info is in the PM.
'sup, Agent Johnny :)

Hope the film-club grows, and everyone learns from and expands from the various projects.

I watched all 4 of your videos. If I had one suggestion to make, it would be to work on the lighting.

Practice, experience, tenacity - it'll all come together. :P
Lighting is definitely at the top of the list of things we are working to improve.

Hall of Wrath was actually quite an odd situation, we were actually plagued with an unusual set of complications that hindered our options for light management, most of it was linked to the issue of time and free hands to carry in and manage it, as I actually am the one who owns the cameras, lights, mics, etc. and have classes before and after shoots, the shoots were during 2hr breaks between classes, so each time we came together to work on it, the routine was get the stuff out of the car, carry it way into the buildings, unpack and setup (there goes 20min or so) shoot for about an hr and 20min, repack, bring stuff back to the car, but still carry cameras to class (for safekeeping, just can't trust em to be safe in the car)...we had to do this process 4 times for Hall of Wrath...and it took that long to shoot since we didn't storyboard, nor choreograph a portion of the fight till we were there, and much of the time I had to spend helping camerapeople to make certain shots. It was a very good learning experience though, as I did get to teach some camera techniques.

But from here on out, anything complicated, especially involving fight sequences, we will be reserving at least 6hrs a day for, preferably 10, along with better locations based on lighting and such, and no outside interference of any kind, and more easily and safely retain continuity (Hall of Wrath was done on each Wednesday and Friday for 2 weeks, that's how the 4 days were split, my hair was getting a bit longer, I had to cut it and keep shaving approximately 18hrs prior to shooting again, Nick had to also do something similar). One of the main reasons however we proceeded to do this despite the obvious lighting issue, was to see if we were at all capable of pulling off a decent-looking fight scene in which the characters really look like they're actually getting hit. Originally I would have actually been running one of the cameras myself, but there was no one available to fight Nick, so I volunteered for that, since I do like to act and have had many years of martial arts too, though a tad rusty, since I stopped bout 6 years ago. But it was fun and worth all the bruises we got!

Thank you for taking a look, and lemme know what else we can do in the future!