Hello from sunny Miami, FL (screenwriter in need of an artistic social circle)

Hello everyone,

My name is Manuel Gonzalez and I'm an amateur (very amateur) filmmaker based in South Florida. I've written several scripts throughout my high school and college career and have had the pleasure of seeing them chosen on two occasions for the Florida Film Institute.

My most substantial credential came as an Assistant Cameraman for an independent feature length film titled USS Seaviper. The experience allowed me to work with multiple Red 1 cameras which really allowed me to appreciate the effectiveness of digital media.

I have currently just purchased a Canon t4i which I fully intend to start shooting with and am hoping to produce a 3 to 5 minute short film to enter into festivals this fall or next spring.

I still have a lot to learn and an online community filled with likened minds is surely what I need to expand my talents. I'm also looking for anyone who may reside in my neck of the woods interested in getting work done and adding work to their professional resumes, any help and collaboration is welcomed.

So hopefully this ends up being the place I think of when a problem arises, or just to meet some friends who are into the same things I am.


Manuel Gonzalez :D
Thanks Zensteve!

The Florida Film Institute is just a workshop that I took part in 2 years in a row in highschool. I did have to place my scripts against some of the other students, but winning that competition twice sort of kickstarted this whole love affair will film, mostly cause it let me taste the joy of my writing being appreciated, I've been hooked ever since.

What about you Zensteve? What do you usually involve yourself in when it comes to film?
Oh, I'm just the everything. :bag:

If I can get my mitts involved on something, I'm a happy camper.

What's your first t4i short going to be about? :cool: