Hello from LaLa Land

Hello All,

I am a filmmaker based in Los Angeles. At least I like to call myself a filmmaker. In truth I make my money in editing, so let's just call me an amateur filmmaker then. I have experience with a wide variety of genres, but find myself focusing more on adventure documentaries, although I'll edit anything apart from snuff films as long as I get paid.

Recently I just completed a very short documentary about my encounter with two snow leopards hunting a dzo (part cow part yak) in Ladakh, India. When the encounter was filmed in 2004, it was the first of its kind: footage of snow leopards hunting in the wild. And still, it has the distinction of being the only concrete evidence that leopards hunt such large beasts, beasts that can get up to eight times their weight.

The doc can be seen here at:


Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
