Hello From Chicago

Hello everyone,

My name is Joshua Strong and I am aspiring filmmaker located in Chicago, Illinois. Ever since I saw the original Star Wars film in theaters as a child film and film-making as always been a huge passion of mine. My favorite films are Citizen Kane, The Dark Knight Trilogy, and The Tree of Life. I love stories that are told on the grandest of scale, yet they still have a solid emotional core at the helm. My favorite directors are Christopher Nolan, Paul Thomas Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Rian Johnson, Terrence Malick and Steven Spielberg.

I am also obsessed with music, my favorite bands are Bloc Party, Radiohead, The Cure, Crystal Castles, Joy Division, New Order, Bjork, The XX, and M.I.A to name a few. (It is my dream to have Crystal Castles score a film of mine.)

When I am not watching movies or drowning myself in schoolwork, you can catch me writing. Writing has always been a huge passion of mine, and I will always consider myself to be a writer, first and foremost. I love to tell stories that examine the dark side and intricacies of human nature, and I love to place my characters in the center of moral, ethical and philosophical dilemmas that make them challenge their own beliefs. I would say I write two kinds of characters in my stories, either the protagonist is a nonbeliever and over the course of the story they will find God due to some terrible circumstance or they're stout believers who over the course of the story loose all hope and faith, again due to some horrible circumstance.

As you can tell I am quite the optimist and I hope to talk and collaborate with all of you in the future,

Joshua Strong
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Welcome Grasshopper!
I'm one of the audio guys here.
Always remember:

Your project will only look as good as it sounds, because
"Sound is half of the experience"


"Old man, how is it that you hear these things?"
"Young man, how is it that you do not?"