Hello everyone

I discovered this forum a couple of months ago and I have learned a few things here and finally decided to join.

I wrote a full feature screenplay a few years ago and had an interest in screenwriting and within the last few months have become interested in filmaking. I have made two short, shorts haha, which were mostly improvised but I learned a lot in making them. I am working on a script for my next short and have several ideas for others. Looking to make a full feature eventually.

Hey Rob! :welcome:

Shorts are great tools for learning. Less 'stuff' to deal with, lower (or no) budget to worry about as much.. you can really focus on honing skills. Doing a bunch of those before investing time, money, resources into a feature is generally a very solid plan of attack.
Thanks for the welcomes guys.


I have not looked at making connections with other groups in the area. Something I know I will need to do eventually. When I first started this I had the idea that I wanted to do it all myself aside from the acting but I am finding out that it would be quite difficult.


That is very true. I have found that I don't really want to invest in much until I am 100% sure that I want to pursue this and shorts are very good for getting a feel of things and all the work that is required.

I try to add something new with each short. The first was mainly learning about camera angles and learning about editing. My second was learning about lighting (which was much better than in the first) and recording sound separately which improved the quality very much but was interesting in having to learn to sync during editing. For my third I am looking to incorporate some camera movement but I an not sure how I want to go about building a dolly track and all that. I know it can be done with pvc pipe fairly inexpensively but I haven't decided yet.
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Welcome to Indietalk!

It sounds like you're on the right track as far as learning filmmaking - as you continue to do shorts like that you'll find that the stuff you struggled with early on becomes second-nature. I'd second Zensteve's recommendation to find some people to work with; it'll not only help you to tackle larger projects, but you'll find that ideas will emerge out of a group that you might never have come up with in isolation.
Thanks for the link Will. That looks like something that I could put together.

Thanks again for the welcomes guys. Looking forward to being a part of Indie Talk :)