hello All

Hello all

I have just come across the site about an hour ago, and already know I could learn alot here, compared to the other forums Ive come across.

I am very interested in film, and evrything that goes with it.

I am a artist from ontario , Canada. and have always been fasinated with movies and love the way this medium is used for self expression.

I curently do this by creating everyday my art, and hope to put some of my imagination to film. soon

my website is
here you can see some of my work and more about me.

see you soon!

Pete Mander
Welcome Pete! HOLY COW!! :shock: :shock: Your work is amazing! :) Write me a PM or Email. I might have some work for you in my upcoming horror film. ;) Talk soon and enjoy your stay with us here.
Well, Pete you obviously don't need me to wax your car, that is some A+ stuff, though. You have an enormous amount of talent.

Redemption: you should resize it better so you can read the text.