archived-videos "heads or tails" feature film DVX100 teasers

We just posted 2 teasers to our independent film "heads or tails". Would appreciate any feedback!

NEW - 03/16/04 - TEASER C - SEE BELOW


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Clark Kline
Co Writer/Director

I edited to remove a deadlink. link to a Brand New Teaser below!


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The encodes are beautiful, but the files are a bit large. I didn't get any sense of the story, characters, etc. The teaser should really tease me & make me interested in the film, not just show a random selection of shots.
Well, I love both of them. They definitely tease me.

I love teasers that are short and contain nothing but images (I get frustrated with teasers that are 2:30 minutes longand full of dialogue - that's a full trailer, people!).

Both of these are good teasers, if you really got into the characters and the story it would end up being a full trailer.

The only thing that bothered me was in Teaser B when the guy in the Brown Leather Jacket was talking. Its' irritating when you see the people speaking but can't hear what they are saying (I know, Im nitpicky).

Was the film shot on 35mm or HD?

Well shot.

However, I too was left wanting at least a hint at what it's about.

Nice shots though...

pokewowplayer1 said:
Well, I love both of them. They definitely tease me.
The only thing that bothered me was in Teaser B when the guy in the Brown Leather Jacket was talking. Its' irritating when you see the people speaking but can't hear what they are saying (I know, Im nitpicky).

Was the film shot on 35mm or HD?


thanks much for the comments/suggestions.

i'll have to relook at the guy talking, that's a pet peeve of mine too, i tried cutting around it.

We shot on Panasonic Ag-DVX 100 cameras.

We'll be cutting teasers that hint more about plot soon.
Very powerful teaser. I liked it. The shots look great. I agree that I'd like at least SOME hint of what the film is about, but nevertheless, the teasers intrigued me.

- Mike.

(PS: I also have the same pet peeve as Poke in that if I can see a character talking but don't hear the dialogue, it's kind of annoying).

Amazaing that it was shot with the VX-100. I've done some stuff with that and it still amazes me how closely it mimics film for a prosumer camera...

Yes, your shots look really well composed and executed. The timing of the shots felt a little too short to me, like you could have lost one or two shots and expanded the scenes to let the moments breathe a little more. I'd agree with the post that seeing someone speak without hearing their words is more of a nuisance than a nuance.

So, yes, I'm curious, though not enough to go out of my way to see the finished product. A tease should offer just a little more semblence of what we're dealing with besides a montage of good shots, unless those shots are SO breathtaking and groundbreaking that you wonder what the hell the filmmakers were up to. See Jojo and the stars teaser for an example...

But looks good and good luck to you

Re: Teased

mglasson said:

So, yes, I'm curious, though not enough to go out of my way to see the finished product. A tease should offer just a little more semblence of what we're dealing with besides a montage of good shots, unless those shots are SO breathtaking and groundbreaking that you wonder what the hell the filmmakers were up to. See Jojo and the stars teaser for an example...

But looks good and good luck to you


Thanks for the comments. We are planning on making teasers with hints at plot soon, since we were still in production at the time of making these, they were more for the whetting of appetites and getting the ball rolling, and moving forward with our score.

At this point the actors and most of the crew don't even know what the film is about as we shot the whole thing without giving any actor any more than their part of the story (some actors only got their lines, some actors didn't even get that).

In the next couple weeks we'll be posting a more plot driven trailer.
Absolutely amazing!!!! That is the best teaser trailer I've seen in a long, long time. I can't say enough about the visual style, the faces of the actors, the music, or THE FREAKIN' AWESOME LOOK OF THE DVX!!!!!

Is it obvious I love this project?

Glad you like! It's great to hear about the music specifically cause we've had the teaser cut for about a month now and have been struggling to get the music right.


pokewowplayer1 said:
Absolutely amazing!!!! That is the best teaser trailer I've seen in a long, long time. I can't say enough about the visual style, the faces of the actors, the music, or THE FREAKIN' AWESOME LOOK OF THE DVX!!!!!

Is it obvious I love this project?

Good looking teaser trailer. Moody, but maybe too moody in the sense that you don't have a clue what's going on. Well shot. The only shots that bothered me was the shakey cam of the guys looking at the sunset.

thanks everyone.

we haven't locked down what festivals we are gonna shoot for yet, all depends on when we get it done but we hope to be submitting them out once we have our local premiere in May/June.

SXSW? Is that only in March or are there other dates?
What other ones are good for DV features? So many out there it's difficult to cycle through them all.
awesome. i'll check into that site when it comes time. i'm on the film festival committee of our local town (infant right now in it's 2nd year) and we're going to use that site.

as far as when this is coming out, we'll be premiering it around end of May/June in/around Frederick Maryland or Baltimore Maryland. Then go to festivals from there.

pokewowplayer1 said:
SXSW only comes once a year, but it kicks ass. Check out Without a Box featuring Brigit Fest. For a fee, you can search for and submit to fests online. I heard someone say it's the most extensive list out there.

we are looking for help on heads or tails-
we are looking for graphic/web designers to help redesign the site as we go into the first stage of promotion. if you want to be involved, check out the site