Headphone/Lighting Kit questions

I just have 2 quick questions:

a) what type of headphones are best for on-location monitoring? noise cancellers?

b) can anyone point me in the direction of an affordable, easy to use, all-inclusive lighting package?

Thanks a ton! :D
A. Just get a decent pair of headphone. Don'ty spend more than $100, but they should cover your entire ear. Not earbuds or $10 walkman style headphones.

B. There's no such thing as an all inclusive lighting kit unless you're talking about a 5 ton grip truck with lights. Not knowing your budget and what kind of things you want to shoot makes it hard, but I'd look at Lowel's DV Creator kits. Add some c-stands and mafer clamps.

LOL.... I was actually going to suggest that you check out Scott Spears' website... there's some awesome info there. I know I've learned from there.
When I shot my first film, I used harware store clamp lights and 200 watt bulbs as my light kit. If you add some gels and have a shiny board or two (which you can make really cheaply with foamcore and aluminum foil), that can get you through a lot.

I plan to use the same clamp lights next week when I shoot again. It's an indoor, very shadowy interior (I don't want the background to show). I will use orange gels and create deep shadows. For now, those clamp lights work wonders for me... although paper lanterns are fab for diffused light. (also cheap!)
My light kit cost under $120. I bought two of those dual halogen construction lights from Home Depot (or Lowes), softened with a doubled over opaque shower curtain. I bought six of those clip on lights, the kind you work on cars with. Take the metal safety grates off and viola. I also purchased two of those car dashboard sun reflectors and mounted them on 1x4 boards.

Then again my budget is what my wife tells me it is or anything I get under the radar. ;)

These ideas all come from a video my friend has about lighting sets. Basic stuff but I learned a lot.
Boz Uriel said:
My light kit cost under $120. I bought two of those dual halogen construction lights from Home Depot (or Lowes), softened with a doubled over opaque shower curtain. I bought six of those clip on lights.

...seriously, does this light kit work? I am already considering this, how well does this work? I would like not to fry my subjects....

--spinner :cool:
It gets freakin hot really fast but it works ok. The biggest issue is the lack of control you have over the light itself. If you go with cheap halogen lights I would recommend a bunch of smaller lower powered ones. That will give you a little more flexibility at least.
Exactly Shaw, I have those clip on lights that I literally clip on to the stand the halogen's are on. All this gets defused through a shower curtain, sometimes doubled over. Yes it works, I have the DVD where the guy shows you it works.

If you want to have look at the series;

Does this look better than a professional lighting system set up by a professional lighting person. No, but until you can afford such things, IMHO, this works.