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HDV video import problems

I'm working on a short drama for a school film festival and am having some audio sync. and conversion problems importing the files.

We're using a Canon hv30 camera set to tape in 24p but I think the conversion 3-2 pulldown to 29.97 fps in Premeire Pro is losing sync with the audio. I'm going to try to use software called NeoScene to adjust the framerate and just import the files again.

Has anyone had similar problems or does anyone have any suggestions about importing HDV into premiere pro?

edit: I'm looking at backlash's thread on Novice tips for Premiere Pro to see if it helps (http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?t=21427)
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The 3:2 pulldown means you do not want to adjust the frame rate... you need to remove the added pulldown frames.

Neo Scene, which is great from www.cineform.com, will remove the pulldown frames.

In premiere, you could try editing the footage as 29.97 HDV 1440x1080 and that will probably not lose synch.