HDV hepl

Okay, the thread title is kinda vague... hope the rest is not.

I have Adobe Premiere 1.51 (with the HDV plugin)

I have roughly 10 hours of footage, shot on the Sony Z1U. (Soon to be more)


The Z1U is not recognised by my computer.

In fact, I don't even get the pop-up balloon that one normally gets when plugging in a device, known or known.

After some scroogling, I've found that WinXP SP2 needs to be installed. I have this; still no cigar.

Any hints on what might be up? I'm renting the camera again in a few weeks, and would like to be ready to try again.


Also.... does anyone have some HDV clips that I could download, to play around with? I want to be sure that I can actually edit this, once I've had it transferred.

Cheers! :cheers:
The Z1U is not recognised by my computer.

In fact, I don't even get the pop-up balloon that one normally gets when plugging in a device, known or known.
I've personally seen this before. One of the things to try: Does a different XP box recognize this camera? If not, your XP box may have an active (powered) firewire port that blew the passive port in the camera. This happened to my friend on his Z1U.

Please try the camera on as many other XP boxes as you can to verify this is not the case.
'sup Kitty :cool:

My main computer has onboard FireWire, as well as a FireWire card. Neither recognises.

My laptop WinXP SP2 does not recognise the Z1U, either.

My buddy's Apple laptop does not recognise it, either.

The actual cable is definitely good. Using it for regular mini-DV all the time, with no problem.

Have i missed any recent installments on the evil Orange Cat, btw? :scared: