HD or 3ccd?

Hey all, I'm just about to finish my first semester up in Video Production and am having a BLAST!
but anywho, I've been looking into getting a camera some time soon and it's pretty much between the Canon XL1s or the Sony HDVA1.

I'm mainly going to be using the camera for shooing weddings and my own short films for youtube/ class projects/ youth film festivals, so I'd lean toward the XL1s, but I also don't want to send money on a camera that isn't going to look good 4 years from now.

So Hd is the future...but should i jump to it now?

P.S. budget is around $2,500 tops.


The post is really going well. I have 2 Questions. And i have a request that please explain me in simple words so it will be easy for me to understand. I hope you remmeber my language problem.

My first Question

1) What is normally the cost of 35mm Adapter .(I am asking about the price of the adapter which is being shown in the second pic. The smalle sized adapter)

2) Well here i request you to explain me in simple words . My Question is what does this adapter exactly do?
I searched google but i am unable to understand the technical language. As i read it is only used for depth of field but what does it exactly mean? Does it mean an enhanced picture quality???

By the way will can you please paste some pics with and without 35mm adapter? I mean it will really make things more clear (specially for me).

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You don't need "special" lenses, just primes.. ultimately you COULD use zoom lenses, but since the zoom and focal ring are generally shared on a 35mm photo zoom it could be a pain to work with, ultimately it would depend on how easily the lens zooms though.

Yes, there are plenty of ways it can be set up, most solutions involve a rail system of some sort. a lot of people also mount the camera upside down, so that the image doesn't have to be flipped when it's imported.

As for video... here's some sample footage of that first setup:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

And the second setup...

There's a forum out there specific to the HV20/30 ... that's a good place to find answers to this stuff, because there are a LOT of posts about it, and there's really no sense in "recreating the wheel" when the info is already out there online.. google it, you'll find it. ;)

Nice videos.
1) What is normally the cost of 35mm Adapter .(I am asking about the price of the adapter which is being shown in the second pic. The smalle sized adapter)
I think... about $200 (USD)

2) Well here i request you to explain me in simple words . My Question is what does this adapter exactly do?
I searched google but i am unable to understand the technical language. As i read it is only used for depth of field but what does it exactly mean? Does it mean an enhanced picture quality???
It makes it possible to have less of the image in focus at any one time. This is desirable to people who are trying to make their video look like it was shot on film, and when used properly can be a good tool to help tell the story visually, by directing the viewers attention to a particular element in the shot (throwing the rest out of focus) Enhanced picture quality? No. If anything it's a reduced picture quality, but people like the asthetic.

By the way will can you please paste some pics with and without 35mm adapter? I mean it will really make things more clear (specially for me).
Hey Will thanks for the rely. I just didnt made one thing clear when i said Pics with and withour adaPter.i didnt mean the camera with and without an adaPter. i meant that few Pics taken by CAMERA while adaPter is fitted and when adaPter is not attached................ Anyways i have understand what it is used for so now i dont want the Pics ...as i got the idea whats the PurPose of it.

I think Lense is used for enhancing Picture quality
That was a cool film will. nice acting!

So we haven't learned about lenses yet in school, and I was wondering, can a 35mm adapt be used only for dialog scenes, and close-ups? or can it be used for a whole project?
That was a cool film will. nice acting!

So we haven't learned about lenses yet in school, and I was wondering, can a 35mm adapt be used only for dialog scenes, and close-ups? or can it be used for a whole project?

You could use it for the entire film if you wanted to.. but having to worry about such critical focus along with everything else will make it somewhat more challenging, on both sides of the camera. The camera operator will have to be really good with the adapter, and the actor(s) will really have to nail their marks, or they could easily step out of the focal area.
Okay, I was thinking that would be the case.
So I'm looking into the HV20 and upgrading the heck out of it (within limits) and have come upon this: http://prolost.blogspot.com/2007/06/redrock-gets-it.html

I don't think i'd be getting something exactly like that, but I want a camera that has lots of control, and I like using my shoulder/ hands, more than using a tripod *besides for dialog*.
How much would stuff like that run cost wise all together?
That's fine I know where to look.
I've been reading up on this JVC GY HD100U looks pretty neat. I really want a camera that I have manual focus with and manual zoom would be a plus. also it's a shoulder cam and can shoot in hd or sd, which would be good for me since I'm still not ready to jump into hd just yet.

anybody used this camera?