Having a good vision for an idea...

Sometimes creating something that will have mass appeal can be difficult. Many people have different styles characteristics and personalities, and that can vary from one individual to another. Making creative content for your target audience is important for a filmmaker, however we don't want to offend someone's ethnicity or culture in the process. By carefully considering and researching your subject matter, it shows your audience that you care about their needs, wants and concerns.

Doing this helps bring in more unbiased audience reactions before a film starts that will give your audience a chance to view every film you make with an objective viewpoint. This will have a very positive effect on every person that knows your filmmaking techniques and will give rise to intellectual post discussions of your film and anticipation for your next project.

Sometimes our films purpose does not have to be overly violent in content or sexually motivated to capture the attention of our audience, but let the narrative aspects fall as they may in the writing without complex or overly dramatic storylines that fall flat because of originality.

The creative process starts with a vision and then that vision becomes an idea, that idea has to translate from paper to film the exact same way as you see it, if it doesn't it's not your idea. That's where I was always missing the mark, if I can't make it the same way I wrote it in my vision then I won't film it.

Having a good vision for an idea is what makes a good filmmaker, everything has to match what you saw in your head and everyone who you are working with has to be on the same page with that vision. Filmmakers want to work with different people and filmmakers have to have inclusivity when it comes to working and taking advice from colleagues. All of these things are essential for a filmmaker. By listening, learning and sharing on the set, we all play our part on this big stage that is such an intriguing platform. Here's something I thought you might like to take a look at: https://www.prlog.org/13026124-bobby-sehorn-visionary-filmmaker.html?embed
The clear path to creating a project that you can be proud of starts with marketing. Marketing your project is essential to becoming a brand. We, the independent filmmakers are the ones who make that happen. Every type of engagement for a filmmaker whether on YouTube or on national T.V. and even on the big screen, If people are watching no matter how small the audience, a filmmaker can consider that a success.

Success is not to be confused with glamour, glamour is attraction and sure as filmmakers we all want to be glamorous,
but not all filmmakers can achieve that type of hype. We can reasonably achieve success by creating our own content that realizes our purpose in our art that makes people understand us better as individuals.

Success is not measured by self-worth, but by worthwhile accomplishment.