Handheld Crane, Pan/Tilt, for iPhone GoPro etc

Looks kind of neat, but I'm wondering if $444,000 is a bit ambitious? I mean if you actually only got $250,000 in pledges, you get nothing, cause you don't reach the high goal.

I think your idea is cool. Personally I might have asked for $25k or $50k, as opposed to almost half a million dollars.
i like your idea... great concept, and nice work.

if you listen to his video, he needs to make 1000 units to get a low price... hence he needs 444.000 dollars... :D

2 things.

It looks like it's really hard to see precisely where you are shooting with the camera, as to what's the center of the image.

Also, the shots are really shaky, i would love to see you do some shake reduction on them, and then show that video, as to how the finished video clip looks.
It's a decision I made, to shoot for making 1000 with several complex plastic injected parts. There's no way I could do that and set my goal too low to cover the molds etc. (at least not here in the U.S.)
I could have gone with plastic printed parts that could be made in small batches, but the unit price would go up a bunch. And they'd need re-designing to have less exposed thin bits since plastic printed parts are more brittle.
There's currently spring washers between the jib connections to reduce shake.

The Steadicam Tango is the perfectly smooth alternative, but it's a bit more of an investment at around 20k with the vest you need to get with it for support.

I wanted mine to be a pick it up, put it down, no worries type of tool for the ever shrinking tiny cameras, and after I'd made one and it worked great I decided to see if it might be commercially viable.

I could assess demand after my project runs its course and see how I might make adjustments if I don't get funded, to cater to smaller demand although it would be a sliding scale demand/cost wise.
There's this big chasm in the middle that is too much volume for plastic printing to handle, but not enough for plastic injected parts to be cost effective.
Thanks for checking it out, and for your feedback!
my question is - who would purchase such an expensive device to shoot video with a phone? that seems a little backwards IMO. i would be interested in such a thing if i could throw a DSLR on there... but i dont want to shoot professional video with my phone (or go pro).

good luck attaining your goal nonetheless, it would be a tremendous feat.