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Halloween Homage Film (COMPLETE)

Had alot of trouble loading this thing on youtube but here it is..the quality is diminished alot from the upload but oh well..first try, does anyone have any suggestions where i could upload a 20 min vid without stops and decrease of quality?

Part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

suggestions where i could upload a 20 min vid without stops and decrease of quality?

I think Vimeo.com allows up to 25 minutes, or thereabouts. It's used by a lot of people.

There's also Google Video, but that's very rarely linked or mentioned. Dunno why. Maybe it blows.

I say lots of peeps had good things to say, when you posted the trailer ealier. I'll have to check it out. :)

yeah i looked at that site but you have to pay and i just got back into filmmaking and didnt want to fork over the dough until i have a couple of films of better quality..thanks for the feedback though appreciate it