Guess which movie...

Did v v badly. I think this game is rigged against people who like Russian Sci-Fi and French Cinema du Luc.

I got the MIB cat in morgue one right though, Huzzah!
Yea that was the pic that triggered my memory too...

At first, I didn't realize that there were 4 pics per question. If I didn't know the movie I did the deductive reasoning figuring out which films it couldn't be.
I got one out of the first five, then said sod it. :mad:

Now... if it was a "name that film" with screencaps from the board's Screening Room... :cool:
I tried to post this once, didn't take.

18/20 round one, 17/20 round two. Just hard enough to make it interesting... Fun!
Aha! 17/20. I hadn't realised that there were four pictures per film. Was able to work out the films I hadn't seen.

However, I still think there isn't enough Russian Sci-Fi :lol: