archived-videos Growing Up 30 Trailer

Hey everybody a few months ago we (myself & paul stamat) posted a teaser for our upcoming project "Growing Up 30" well after 6 months of shooting we finally wrapped principal production and we are now in post, so we decided to create a trailer and a website.

The website ( is still a work is progress with just the trailer of the movie but please check it out and let us know what you think.

Look forward to your comments

A little info on the film
Blackwood Pictures & Starving Artists Presents
Growing Up 30
Starring justin ipock, kelly fisher, sarah andrews, april wade & rollence patugan
written by paul stamat
produced by peter bruno & paul stamat
directed by peter bruno

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I remember the first trailer, yes. :yes:

I think the first trailer was a bit better, but it still looks like it is going to be quite good.

If you've taken the time to watch it, thank you. We definitely appreciate your honesty.

Just so we can strive to put out something that (at the very least conveys what this was about) what do you think worked and more importantly, what did you think didn't work?

And by comparison which angle was more appealing? Teaser

or Trailer

Thanks again for your input.

Paul Stamat
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I will have to watch the teaser again tonight at home, but speaking solely about the trailer...If someone were to ask me exactly what this film is about, I'd say (based on the trailer) that it's a bunch of thirty somethings sitting around talking about relationships, the good old days and how things have changed since their childhood. Now that might be what the movie is about, but I sensed that there was more of a story there than the trailer showed.

I saw the trailer and I thought it was pretty good... Looks like it will be a fun movie.

I'll let you know about the teaser when I get back to Illinois. I'm in Kansas for the next 2 months. I fly home every weekend