
The new series GRIMM is grim. The scariest thing is how crummy the lead actor is. Clunky directing, you can see the story gears turning...and grinding. I long for the days of Terra Nova.
Plus, it's an obvious, total ripoff of the great comic book series "Fables." So is the other new series, "Once Upon a Time." Complete. And. Utter. RIPOFFS.

And if it's worse than "Terra Nova," then it must be REALLY bad!
You just had to bring up Terra Nova. Now I'm even more depressed.

I watched Once Upon A Time tonight on the web, the pilot, it's weak too -- and the premise doesnt quite make sense. For me, it's a little better than Grimm.

I don't watch enough TV to know if such shows ever evolve in to something good.
I gave Terra Nova three episodes, and it still sucked. I will wait for others to view the rest of the season and then ask them if it gets any better.
That's too bad...I was looking forward to this one (in part BECAUSE of the similarities to Fables). On the other hand, many of the shows I love do take a while to really get going. The first season of Buffy The Vampire Slayer is almost painfully bad!
I caught the 2nd ep of "Once Upon a Time," and while not badly written and acted, it simply lacks...wit. It's got no edge.

Far too "Desperate Housewives," and not enough "Buffy."