Greetings from Tampa

Hello all,

My name is John and I just wanted to get some basic information. I have been interested in Directing/Film-making for years. I have been around great up and coming actors, have seen quite a few well performed workshops with casting agents and have had a few friends head to LA.

I also figured out that I have a keen sense of visuals which led me to decide that I would like to start making some films. I've seen a few friends attempt to make student films with free packages given to them with HD consumer cams and laptops and figured that might be the best way to start.

About 4 years ago I used to film my competitive flag football league games with an old Sony Digital 8, using windows movie maker. It was rough but I actually enjoyed the editing process.

Anyhoo, my first assignment was to aquire some great books, so here are the first five. The filmakers handbook by Steven Ascher. Cinematography by Blain Brown. Masters Shots by Christopher Kenworthy, From Real to Deal by Dov S-S Simens, and Motion picture video and lighting by Blain Brown.

I want to just start out just doing random stuff, getting my feet wet i.e street shots, closeups, wideshots, people, traffic, skylines, times of day until I get used to what to expect when I need to adjust for my focus, shutter speed, lighting etc. etc.

I have about $1500 to spend on a camera, lenses, and microphone.

I really feel comfortable right now with mini dv and firewire. I have Adobe Cs4 master collection and a core 2 duo intel with firewire.

Am I limited with my budget right now? I am really interested in the Canon HV40, cost is reasonable and with 1080p, 24p mode, low .2 lux, firewire it would be a good buy. I do know that I will need a 35mm adapter and a red rock might be out of my budget($900) so maybe an adapter around $300-400?

Please give me your suggestions. I do however have an itch to pick up a used Canon XL H1s for around 3k, with its lenses and xlr hookups for sound, hd mini dv, it's really attractive to me but I dont know if it too far out of my range for starting up.

Eventually I would like to write my own scripts and do post production. I think it would fun, challenging, and rewarding. I think I have a great imagination and with some time and effort, who knows. I am fond of John Carpenter, George Lucas, Rob Zombie, Martin Scorsese, and Sam Raimi.

Thanks for reading, I didn't want to ramble on but it looks that way!


John Acierno