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Green Screen Mattes.

I have some green screen footage, and i want to put some backgrounds. But of actual clips. Not pictures. Where do i obtain some of the background footage. Or how do i plan to shoot for them? Really confused in this area.
What do you specifically want to do... a way to think of the green screen is not so much a way to make a background show though, but a way to put the foreground image on top of something else... so you can start thinking in layers, not windows. Compose your shot from the background forward...

What have you shot, what do you intend for them to be in front of? Put that back there, matte the foreground and you'll be able to see the foreground greenscreen element in front of it. Ignore the greenscreen, that's what it's for when you're thinking about your shot... it's invisible.
I guess what im trying to say is how do you guys plan for the shot? Like say if i have a car scene. Windows are filled with green? How do i go about recording the scene in the background?
For a car window of what is supposed to be a moving car, take a car for a ride and stick a camer out the window... shoot various locations and various speeds... that way you'll have choices in post and be able to start building your library.

What do you need to see / expect to see out the window? Shoot that. When we did "Scavengers", I told the actress, there's going to be a blimp behind that barn... it's bringing danger.

Then I shot the pirate ship with the wings attached against a green screen and a huge water balloon suspended in a large laundry net, invert the balloon, attach to the ship model, plop both in place on the shot, then clipped out a copy of the barn with a rotoscoped matte tracked to the footage to lay over the top of the blimp to put it into the correct z-space (distance from camera)... animated the blimp and comped layers of sandstorm in to get depth haze.