great videos on film cameras

I really really dug these. For those of us that started out on DV but need to know more about actual celluloid, these videos are AWESOME.

and free.
sonny, thanks for the links to the 2 vids. They are GREAT!! :D I love seeing the techinal side of this stuff. So insightful and to be able to see what they are talking about and doing is great! :) Thanks again.
Excellent stuff!

I've been working in film for so long that it's just mundane - mags, transport, developing, printing, telecine, digitizing...

I forget that so many people are getting hooked on the business with very little "film" knowlege. I'm going to be checking this site regularly.
directorik said:
I've been working in film for so long that it's just mundane - mags, transport, developing, printing, telecine, digitizing...

I still get giddy when I see "Sonnyboo Productions" on the film boxes. It's also a very different game for most noobs that have been learning exclusively on mini DV. These videos help "fill in the blank" so to speak.
these are amazing!

where i live, you can only really learn DV, the only actual celluloid we learn about is super8, and that knowledge is limited, so these videos are really interesting to me, i love this stuff.

I'm moving to Sydney later this year just so I can learn more about film, and these vids are just making me more excited haha.

thanks sonny!
Day 6 explains it all:

"One more drink and it'll be perfect." -- Jack Black

Day 8 - B&H 2709 oh man behold the beauty of the camera that birthed production cinema.

OK so I just watched all of the eps. That is the best making of I have ever seen. And I got to see the 2709(B?) countless more times.... anyone know how I can get my hands on one of those cameras? It doesnt have to function.
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