Great Interview RE: Indie Film

Hey everyone. Here is--what I think--a great interview by noted indie director Richard Griffin of Scorpio Film Releasing (SFR has released 9 features in the past 7 years--all of which have seen distro).

Take a moment to read's got some useful, no-BS info within:

The freakin link won't link's really pissing me off actually. I've tried like a hundred different ways to link it...but it won't freakin work!!!!

OK, the only way I could get you to the link, is by the Google search string...use the link and go to the first Google entry...then once there, Richard Griffins interview is the most recent one...
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Hey, Michael, thanks a lot for posting this! Richard Griffin is pretty prolific, in the New England circles, and it's both useful and interesting to read his approach to indie filmmaking.