Grant Money

I met a girl that is starting her own Record Company. She has several studios to work out of, and has one Artist Signed already that she thinks is bigger than all the rappers out now (its a rap label).

She's going to pay me to make music and promo videos for her artist. And she wants to help me get Grant Money. She gets grant money now and she says she is going to get me some too.

So what i want to know is, am i getting in over my head(with the grant money, not making videos for her)? Am i going to get royally Effed in the A through some loophole or something? Please let me know, haha.
Hmm not sure. Depends on how the money is acquired and what the stipulations on its use are. Does she intend to get you an entire grant or give you money she from a grant she recieved? It the latter then you shouldn't have any problems. It would be up to her to comply with all legalities of the money's use.
Sounds perfectly fine then by me. Please note that I am NOT a lawyer of any sort and thus my opinion is irrelevant. It would be wise to look into the implications of the specific grant. You may run into some tax issues etc but this is dependent upon the grant.
Is help getting the grants "payment" for your time/work, or is she doing this over and above what she is paying you for the work?
Over and Above. She's going to pay me cash for the music videos. But she's really spiritual/christian style, and is all about helping other people out. So she said that shes going to help and teach me to apply for grant money so i can get some more equipment. I talked with my dad(businessman) at length about it tonight, i guess it seems legit. Just too good to be true. Except minorities get accepted more than me, (white male), so i might get rejected, haha.
Christian Rap? Extra funding is always good times. I wish somebody offered to teach me how to write grants... Good luck Rizien.

"You wasted life, why wouldnt you waste the afterlife?"

Dude who is that, I heard it the other day.
"You wasted life, why wouldnt you waste the afterlife?"

Dude who is that, I heard it the other day.

Modest Mouse - "Ocean Breathes Salty"


No harm in having her show you the places to get grants from.
Modest mouse r0x0rs my b0x0rs. I'd recommend some songs but you might as well get them all.

And its not christian rap, shes christian/spiritual, and she likes rap. Lol.

We're going to meet tomorrow, and I'm going to ask her if i can just use her grant money. If not i guess ill do it myself. I guess im having a hard time believing that theres free money out there....
Oh there certainly is free money out there. Keep in mind though that often those who donate money to these sorts of things get a tax write off so really it probably benefits them more than anyone else. The hard part is actually GETTING the grant. That can be very, very, very hard to do.....

What sort of grant are you going to be applying for?
Nick said:
yea, i have a hard time believing that too...I mean, free?...nothing is "free" these days.

This guy says different. I looked threw this book at the library and it had some good contacts in there. I havn't contacted any of them yet though. :P He's got a ton of books out, not just this one.
Y'all can do searches for private and public arts funding agencies. Many times they have tutorials on writing proposals for these grants/fellowships-if not, they have previous grantees apps you can peruse. has a database of grants agencies. You could also try, public television cooperative program (i think you work in tandem with a local PBS station). :)
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Before I wrote my grant (which didn't get any love) I asked a librarian for help and she showed me way many reference books with pages and pages of resources of people who "give" money away, their addresses, what they fund, etc.

As for the question mark guy, his infomercial is pretty tight, but I think he yells too much.