Contempovision: do not fret.. both Mac and PC have their benefits.
I just built a new PC for editing, and it renders video the same speed as a new Mac G5.. but at half the cost. AND it has more storage at that price.
Macs are nice.. I will admit. (something I never would have said before... for which I blame knightly) But there is no reason you can't be happy with your PC.
With my new machine I can watch my timeline at the highest quality, full frame rate, without having to render first.. and that's even the case if I'm using magic bullet's look suite (something that normally takes your machine to its knees) Anyway.... learn the software you have, don't bounce around to whatever someone else says is best. If you buy vegas, you learn vegas, buy premiere, you learn that.. etc.
There are multitude of books, and if you really want to learn the software, you'll find the time to spend learning it. NLEs in their nature are a complex beast. So you really can't expect to just sit down and cut, having never done so before. Now, with newer releases and such that becomes less the case, but the fact is that you will still need to learn the basic methods behind editing in a NLE to work efficiently with any of the software available.
Anyway. I'm a firm believer in use what you have, because it's what you have and it's therefore now free. Free is good. So you go, use that new PC, and edit your brains out.. then post something for us to see!