• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

Golden: Supernatural thriller - trailer, website, and promotion

Looks really sharp and the video was glassy smooth for me. I like the title effects too.

Excellent! Thanks sspeterson. The title was created using an image as a particle generator then combining it with footage of real floating dust. Then it was all processed through a film damage spark.

Hey Dean...thanks for the mention...very cool of you--especially on your own thread. NUN OF THAT is doing very well, we are so stoked. Just got picked up for national distro...and still being asked to play in festivals.

Cool stuff. I'm sure GOLDEN will do very well also...it looks kickass.

Awesome, thanks M1chae1!

Very well done. I look forward to seeing more from you.

Thanks man, I'm going to post a mood board soon with visuals to accompany our superb composers work. Stay tuned.
Golden - Poster Image

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As a photo I like it. As a poster for the movie not so much. The reason for that is it doesn't really give me any idea what the movie is like/about. If I were to see just that without the other posts in this thread I would said it was most liekly a drama.
I don't see this as a poster for the movie...just a promo ad. I do agree though, it might embodie a little more of the supernatural horror elements...