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watch Goan Dogs

hey guys, this isn't my work but a music video for a band i know (they made the vid themselves). I'll come clean, this is also a shameless bit of promotion. Basically, they're in the second round of voting for a competition to win a place on the lineup at Green Man Festival, so if you like what you see (and hear) please take a moment to also go vote here: http://apps.facebook.com/greenpoll/index/band/id/341
(you'll need to log in to facebook and 'allow' the app)

the video can be viewed at the above site or here on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVPxHIv8QO0&feature=player_embedded

It may be shameless promotion, but honestly the main reason i put it up here is just because i think its an excellent song and an excellent video. What do you guys think?

Greg x