Giving your movie/show a chance

Hey guys/gals, wondering if anyone would be interested in throwing around some ideas on how we can get our movies/tv shows picked up with limited funds and no named talent on board.

Other then the usual social media campaign a few ideas I had involved using local newspapers and radio trying to get them to run a story on the production and offer competitions. Try and get a local tv news show to run a story on the show, even say we're offering people a walk on roles on the show if they do something, haven’t quite decided what yet lol

But what do you guys think would work? Do you have any stories to share, successful or otherwise?
You could try posting posters up around your local area. Ad campaigns are risky, especially offline ones as it's more or less a 50/50 chance of it happening. I've always stuck to online advertising as it converts better.
Can you clarify what you mean by "picked up"?

Hey Steve, "picked up" could be the wrong thing to use. What I meant by it was simply selling to distributors or in the case of a tv show getting it picked up by a network to air. I confuse myself sometimes.

@GuerrillaAngel - anything. be it short, feature, tv. anything you can think that would give your project a shot without any named talent.

What I was trying to do was really create a thread in which we can all bounce around ideas on the subject

oh and happy easter :cheers:
It'll have to be a feature to have a decent shot at getting sold/distributed. Shorts have virtually no life outside of festivals. TV is the most difficult of all to get into.

There are a couple of recent threads on distribution . . . check out the one on VOD.

Good luck!