GH2 lens sizes?

I know being a M43 camera,when you put a full size lens on the GH2 the focal length doubles(that is my understanding anyway?).

So the 50mm Canon lens I just picked up will actually film as a 100mm lens?Is that correct?

If that is the case then the kit 14-45mm lens that I have,will that actually be like filming with an 28-90 mm or are the M43 lenses listed as how they actually look?

I don't know much at all about this area and I am intrigued.

It's partly confusing.

A 50mm lens is a 50mm lens. No matter what you put it on, it's still a 50mm lens. On a GH2, with it's sensor, it gives you a field of view similar to what you'd see out of a 100mm on a Canon 5D.

All lenses are marked in their 35mm equivalents, so yes your lens' field of view would be similar to what you'd see from a 28-90mm lens on a Canon 5D (or other full frame sensor).
Thanks Jay.

Does this not limit the lower end of the scale when it comes to budget lenses?Ie.If I wanted a 14mm equivalent lens I'd actually have to try and find a 7mm?
try the kit lens before you worry too much, you'll find 14mm is PLENTY wide for just about anything you could need. Plus it has Optical Image Stabilization so you can put really get some smooth hand held with it..

I seldom go winder then 28mm for anything other than sweeping landscape shots.

I have a canon FD 17mm f4 that was too expensive for as little as I use it. Though it did get me the awesome landscape shots for "The Long Road Out Of Town" starting about 0:30 though you gotta look close, its has all kinds of "issues" and its not very sharp.. but just looks cool.

You do have options in M43 mount lenses in the wide end.
Cheers Wheatgrinder. Brilliant short!

I have found a local shop that sells hundreds of old c-mount lenses and the like,I may pick up a very cheap 8 or 10mm lens from them,were talking the equivalent of $30.
16mm lenses will only cover a small portion of your sensor. See, 16mm film is only "16mm wide" so the image circle produced by the lens is much smaller than your GH2 sensor.

There is EXT mode, but its kinda useless if you ask me, but your millage may vary.

If there are any Super 16mm lenses, cheap, snap them up as an investment. Theses will be VERY popular VERY soon, the Black Magic Pocket Camera has an a sensor that should be covered by the super 16mm lens and everybody is going to be scouring for them soon!