Directorik speaks the truth. I also wanted to start out in making commercials, figuring that's where the "easy" money was, but as I did do a few productions for free, word got around that I also do sports league videos for kids. The market demand for me turned into going from adverts like I thought I wanted to do, to doing Sports highlight videos that are in demand (in my area), so I adjusted to what the market wanted, I didn't try to force my way into an already swamped and highly competitive market such as adverts. I now have 3 music videos in production I'm working on as well. It took me about a year exactly to build up a reputation of quality and affordability. As of now, I can no longer afford to do pro-bono work anymore, I have too many paying customers in que. So, yes, you'll have to do a lot of free work, but start out small. I started off with church functions and commercials, helped a few people get into video contests for free, produced a few documentaries, volunteered to what turned out to be a major non-profit project that gets a lot of media attention-which is also free advertising for me), and basically lent myself out to whoever needed my services. Eventually, people noticed, and the only money I spent on advertising my company was on business cards and a website. Matter of fact, under my first company I operated, I did all work for free, this company was a pilot company which allowed me to figure out what works and did not work. Once I felt comfortable enough with being able to operate with quality work, enough customers, and figuring out my pricing chart, I opened up under a new name and now charge people. I have more business than I can handle, but that's a good problem to have. Eventually, I'll be able to break into the adverts, but for now, I'm enjoying filling a market demand. So, I guess the point to all this is, you have a goal of producgin adverts, you can get there, but you may have to get to it through a round about way, and it may not happen as soon as you want it to. Find a niche, be good at it, welcome the demand and enjoy the ride. For me, the market is capitalizing on the rivalry between Soccer Moms, they love having ESPN like videos for little Johnny.